Tonight was the first of four Thursdays in a row where we are taking a biblical look at the wisdom and kindness of women in the Bible. If you missed it, here’s the first video. Join us for the next three Thursdays as we seek to do what Proverbs 31:26 says.
Living the Christ Life![]() There are times when hearing how Christ has revealed Himself to an individual produces great faith to believe God and ask Him for more! This devotional has been a great help to me personally and I pray you’ll find it to be a wonderful tool in your daily walk with Christ. Click on the sample below to read a little for yourself! Order it from Amazon here. Here's a sample from the book: ![]()
Jesus asked why people call Him Lord even though they did not obey Him. What does obedience to the Lord look like? Asked to speak at our church while our pastor was out of town, Dámaris discusses the biblical connection between obedience and building a house on solid ground. Her message starts about the 45 minute mark. At a women's conference in Bryan, TX, Dámaris spoke on building a house. Not with hammers and nails, though. Christ wants to make His home in our hearts. He taught us that the way we build a strong house is by obeying His commands. Watch and listen. We trust the Lord will speak to you. At her home church in NYC, Manhattan Grace Tabernacle, Dámaris was asked to speak for Mother's Day. Her message was Can We Stop Blaming God. In the YouTube video below, Dámaris starts speaking at 1:19:00. Before the message, Damaris's sister Debbie did a short tribute to their mother, Aimee Garcia Cortese, who passed away in December 2021 after a long bout with dementia. Because of Covid-19, there was no funeral for her. April found us again with Mary Lowman and The Christian Working Woman at her Weekend Getaway in Itasca, IL. Dámaris taught two sessions at this retreat. The first one was a workshop on being confident to approach God's throne. The second one was the general session on Sunday morning entitled: Don't Throw It Away. Listen to both below and be blessed!
The Christian Working Woman is a long-running ministry headed up by Mary (Whelchel) Lowman. She is a dear friend of ours and Dámaris has spoken at dozens of her retreats and conferences. At her One Day Getaway last fall based on Romans 12:12, Dámaris's theme was Joyful in Hope. Listen to her message by clicking the link below.
Why is it that even though we are encouraged and invited to come boldly into the Holy of Holies, we often do NOT go in?
I don’t know why you don’t go in. Only God knows. As I spoke to those in my workshop this weekend at the 32nd Weekend Getaway — “Unwavering Confidence“ conference of The Christian Working Woman, the Lord made something very clear to me. Many times, the reason I do not go in is because I simply do not want to. The Bible says that the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak (Matthew 26:41 NIV). John 8:32 (NLT) says, “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” The Holy Spirit truly does lead us into all truth. All I could do, as I realized how lazy I’ve been, is repent and turn to Him. Surprisingly, what the Lord did as I confessed and repented, was put a great desire in my heart to run into that glorious throne room! What I found there was His amazing grace and mercy. Don’t let the enemy tell you it’s too embarrassing to admit how often you have been so apathetic towards drawing near to your Savior. Let’s repent and turn (even run!) with confidence into the place He made accessible for you and me by His precious blood! There are a number of well known people in the Bible that complained to God about their circumstances. Is that okay? How did God react to them? At the picturesque Spruce Lake Retreat Center in the Poconos of Pennsylvania, Dámaris was asked to speak to pastor's wives. Using the Psalms and verses in Luke, she takes us from complaining to building on solid rock. Listen and be encouraged!
Dámaris CarbaughSinger, bi-lingual conference speaker, teacher and now published author, Dámaris just wants to do the next thing that Jesus Christ has planned for her. Archives
November 2024
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